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Deep Dive into Hair Pieces 

Let's  into the understanding of hair pieces and really work out whether it will work for you.

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  • Are you tired of being bald?

  • Are you feeling self conscious of your appearance?

  • Are you ready to make a change for the better?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, it's time to do something about it and rebuild your confidence.

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Our Services

Price List

At Killer Hair, we believe in offering quality services at affordable prices. Check out our price list below:

Deluxe Mens Hair System -  $800

Initial Fitting - $130

Haircut - $50

We are qualified Barbers and talented quick cutters.

You can get a full head of hair again in only 1.5 - 2 hours.  We are quick and have the better qualify service and hair system.  This is why we are the no.1 hair piece provider in Australia.




What is a Toupee or
Men's Hair System

Imagine waking up every morning, looking in the mirror, and seeing a full head of hair staring back at you. That's the magic of a toupee, a simple yet game-changing hairpiece that can transform your look and boost your confidence in a snap!

So, what exactly is a toupee? Think of it as a little hat made of hair that fits perfectly on top of your head, covering any areas where your hair might be thinning or missing. But it's not just any hat—it's a super hat that blends in with your own hair so well, no one can tell you're wearing it. It's like having a secret weapon against hair loss that only you know about.

Now, you might be thinking, "A hair hat? Really?" But here's the fun part: toupees today are not what they used to be. Gone are the days of fake-looking hairpieces. With modern technology, toupees look so natural, they're like a second skin. They come in all sorts of styles, colors, and textures, meaning you can choose one that matches your own hair perfectly or even switch up your style whenever you feel like it.

Why should you consider a toupee? For starters, it's an instant confidence booster. Whether you're hanging out with friends, heading to work, or going on a date, knowing your hair looks great makes a big difference. Plus, it's a breeze to take care of. You can shower with it, swim with it, and style it just like natural hair. And the best part? No one needs to know it's not your real hair unless you want them to.

But here's where we make it extra fun. At our shop, choosing a toupee is like going on a mini-adventure. We'll help you find the perfect match, ensuring it looks so natural, even your barber might be fooled. It's a chance to play around with different looks. Ever wondered what you'd look like with a bit more curl, a different hairline, or even a new hair color? A toupee lets you explore all these options without any long-term commitment.

And let's talk about our technology. Our toupees are made with medical-grade materials, meaning they're super comfortable to wear and won't irritate your skin. They're designed to breathe, so your scalp stays cool and happy all day long. Plus, attaching them is a piece of cake. In just a few minutes, you can secure your toupee and be out the door, ready to take on the world.

We understand that stepping into the world of toupees might feel a bit daunting at first. That's why our team is here to guide you through the process, making sure you feel comfortable and excited about your new look. We believe that everyone deserves to feel good about their appearance, and a toupee can be a simple, fun way to make that happen.

So, if you're looking to bring a little more hair and happiness into your life, why not give a toupee a try? It's more than just a hairpiece; it's a ticket to a new, confident you. Come on in and let the transformation begin!

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How Does It Work?

The first step is just to pick up the phone and to give us a call.  Our Senior Barber, Steve has been wearing a hairpiece for the past 5 years and set up the business to help others like him.  

Steve also works as a Remedial Therapist and Personal Trainer so he love working with people and will make you feel instantly comfortable.

We know its nervy even making the call...but what do you have to lose?  Take the plunge and let us support you through the process of gett a full head of hair again.

So What's the Step by Step Process?

  • Take us up on a FREE Consultation

  • We work out the best system for you

  • We match it to your hair colour perfectly

  • We may colour your beard, brows to match

  • We help you choose a hair style that will suit you

  • The fitting process is easy, we cut a template for the area that needs filling and we stick it on with glue ot tape

  • Syled perfectly! we guide you through how to care for your new hair

  • We send you home with what you need to care for your hair

  • We book your first FREE rebond and this is a change to make any adjustments

We will always be here to help you and you are not alone in the process.  Full support!!!

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