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What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Discover Scalp Micropigmentation: The Ultimate Solution for Balding

Welcome to the future of hair restoration, where the battle against balding has a cutting-edge champion: Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP). At our clinic, we specialize in this innovative technique that's transforming lives and boosting confidence for men experiencing hair loss. Let's dive into what SMP is and why it's considered a game-changer in the quest for a fuller-looking head of hair.

What Is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-surgical hair restoration procedure that uses micro-needles to deposit pigment into the scalp. This creates the appearance of tiny hair follicles, giving the illusion of a closely shaved head. It's an art as much as it is a science, requiring precision and skill to mimic the natural pattern of hair growth. The result? A realistic, undetectable solution to hair loss that lasts for years.

Why Choose SMP?

Immediate Results: Unlike hair transplants that require months to show full results, SMP provides an immediate transformation. After just a few sessions, you'll leave with the appearance of a full head of shaved hair.

Non-Invasive: With no incisions, SMP offers a pain-free alternative to surgical methods, with minimal recovery time. You can return to your daily routine immediately after each session.

Low Maintenance: Once your SMP treatment is complete, there's no need for expensive hair products or time-consuming hair care routines. It's a set-it-and-forget-it solution that looks great 24/7.

Cost-Effective: Compared to ongoing treatments or surgical options, SMP is a one-time investment that provides lasting results, making it a cost-effective solution for hair loss.

Boosts Confidence: Perhaps the most significant benefit of SMP is the incredible boost in self-esteem it provides. Balding can take a toll on your confidence, but SMP offers a way to regain control over your appearance and how you present yourself to the world.

Ideal for All Stages of Hair Loss

Whether you're just starting to experience thinning or are already dealing with significant balding, SMP can be tailored to your specific needs. It's effective in adding density to thinning areas or completely recreating the hairline for those with more extensive hair loss.

Safe and Reliable

Safety is our top priority, which is why we use the highest quality pigments and state-of-the-art equipment. Our team of experienced technicians is trained in the latest SMP techniques, ensuring you receive the best possible results.


Transform Your Look and Your Life

Imagine looking in the mirror every morning and seeing a youthful, vibrant reflection staring back. With SMP, this doesn't have to be a dream. It's a reality for countless men who've taken the step to reclaim their confidence and their appearance.

At our clinic, we're dedicated to helping you achieve the look you desire. We understand that every man's experience with hair loss is unique, which is why we offer personalized consultations to discuss your goals and how SMP can help you achieve them.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

If you're tired of feeling self-conscious about balding and are ready for a change, Scalp Micropigmentation might be the perfect solution for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. Let us help you take the first step towards a more confident, empowered you.

Discover the difference SMP can make in your life. Your journey to confidence starts here.



Using tiny dots carefully placed by our Fine Artis, we create a full coverage on top and blend this down the sides.  The colour and density is match perfectly with you own hair so that a new and fresh masterpiece is created. 

15 hour of tattoo time

3 days to create, with a follow up to ensure the artwork is perfect.



This is coverage for the frontline or crown area or a lighter coverage over the entire top only.

10 hours of tattoo time

2 days to create, with a follow up to ensure the artwork is perfect.


Minimal Work SMP

This may include areas such as microblading for the sidelines which is a different technique that creates small hair strokes at the front line so that it looks more natural.  This can be used for brows, beard and front line.

SMP may also be use to fill these areas or even a combination of microblading and SMP.  This is to achieve the most natural look.

Our Clients Say

I've always been a confident person, but when I started losing my hair in my early 30s, I noticed a significant hit to my self-esteem. I explored various options, from hair growth serums to considering a hair transplant, but nothing felt right until I discovered Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) at Killer Hair. The idea of a non-surgical, immediate solution to my hair loss seemed almost too good to be true, but the results speak for themselves.

From my very first consultation at Killer Hair, I felt reassured and understood. The team was incredibly professional, walking me through the process and what I could expect. They tailored the treatment to match my skin tone and hair color perfectly, ensuring a natural look that exceeded my expectations.

After completing my sessions, the transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Not only did it restore the appearance of a full head of hair, but it also brought back my confidence. I no longer worry about angles in photos or feel the need to wear hats every time I step out. The SMP gave me more than just a new look; it gave me back my zest for life.

The care and expertise at Killer Hair are unmatched. Their attention to detail and commitment to achieving the best possible results for their clients are why I wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone considering SMP. This isn’t just a cosmetic procedure; it’s a life-changing decision, and Killer Hair is the best place to make it.

Robert Rose, FIFO

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