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  • Steven May

Preserving Perfection: Tips to Prevent Hair System Fading

Hair systems, whether wigs, toupees, or hairpieces, offer a transformative solution for individuals experiencing hair loss. Yet, just like natural hair, these systems require care and attention to maintain their luster and color over time. One common concern for those who rely on hair systems is fading – the gradual loss of color intensity that can diminish the system's overall appearance. But fear not! With the right care routine, you can preserve the vibrancy of your hair system and keep it looking fresh for longer. Let's delve into some effective strategies for preventing hair system fading:

1. Gentle Washing:

  • Use a mild, sulfate-free shampoo specifically formulated for colour-treated hair systems.

  • Avoid hot water, as it can strip the color and cause fading. Instead, opt for lukewarm or cool water when washing your hair system.

2. UV Protection:

  • Just like natural hair, hair systems can be affected by UV rays from the sun, which can cause fading and discoloration.

  • Consider wearing a hat or using a UV protectant spray when spending extended periods outdoors to shield your hair system from sun damage.

3. Proper Storage:

  • When not in use, store your hair system in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.

  • Avoid exposing your hair system to heat sources such as radiators or hairdryers, as excessive heat can accelerate fading.

4. Quality Products:

  • Invest in high-quality hair care products specifically designed for use with hair systems.

  • Look for products that are free of harsh chemicals and contain nourishing ingredients to help maintain the integrity of the hair fibers and prevent fading.

5. Regular Maintenance:

  • Schedule regular maintenance appointments with a qualified stylist who specializes in hair systems.

  • During these appointments, your stylist can assess the condition of your hair system, perform any necessary repairs, and provide professional treatments to help maintain its colour and vitality.

6. Avoiding Chemicals:

  • Minimise exposure to chlorine from swimming pools and harsh chemicals from styling products, as they can strip the colour from your hair system and cause fading.

  • If swimming in chlorinated water is unavoidable, consider wearing a swim cap to protect your hair system, or rinse it thoroughly with clean water immediately afterward.

7. Gentle Handling:

  • Handle your hair system with care to avoid unnecessary friction and damage to the hair fibres.

  • Use a wide-tooth comb or a specialised brush designed for use with hair systems to detangle and style your hair gently.

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